Tuesday, April 27, 2010

last blog!

This is how I rank the projects from my favorite to my least favorite:

1. Long Take - This was my favorite project because we got to be involved in every single aspect of it. While it was hot and we were hungry, I loved being able to shoot, process and transfer the film. It was fun seeing everyone in costume, being able to help out with everyone elses project, and being able to get out of the classroom on a nice day and shoot outside on campus.
2. Video Race - I was really worried about this one, but i actually loved it because i actually liked being almost forced into doing stop motion. I know I could have shot video with my phone or computer, but I always wanted to try stop motion, and this was a really cool way to have to do it.
3. Found Footage - I skipped intro to editing, so I had never made a found footage project before this. I was really excited about it and I had fun going through movies and picking out clips. I chose a theme that I really enjoyed, and I just loved working through it in my head. As it turned out, I had to narrow my idea down so much to fit it into one minute, but I really liked the idea of the project and I would have liked to make a longer one with my original plan.
4. Rhythmic Edit - I love to edit, and therefore I loved this assignment. It was fun to have such a strict restraint and have to figure out how to work with it. It made it kind of like a game, and it was a nice break from having to just do boring continuity editing.
5. Multi-Plane Animation - I rank this fifth, but that isn't because I didn't like it, but more that all the other projects were so awesome that this had to go somewhere. I really liked the idea and originality of this, but I wish it was a little more structured. It was kind of a free for all, and I think that since we didn't necessarily have to plan in advance, we ended up wasting a lot of time and film doing stupid things once we ran out of ideas. I also wish we had used the multi plane thing more to our advantage.
6. Cameraless Filmmaking - Ehh.. I kind of didn't like this project. Since it was the first one, I felt like I was completely lost the whole time, I had no idea what to do, how to do it, or anything. I think if this was later in the semester, I would have been more confident because I would have had a better understanding of the nature of the class and what our responsibilities were in and outside of the classroom. In the end, I thought it was cool how they all turned out, but during the assignment, it just scared the crap out of me.

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